Since 2008 Sturm Consulting & Investigations has been conducting a wide variety of investigations and surveillances. SCI has a team of skilled investigators ready to meet any investigative or surveillance need.

SCI personnel are experienced in handling a wide variety of investigative work including:

Covert Video Surveillance ♦ Workers’ Compensation Investigation

 Subrogation Investigation ♦ Liability Claims Investigation 

Asset Determination ♦ Court Records Search  

Skip Tracing ♦ Financial Background Checks 

Corporate Security ♦ Pre-Employment Checks

Recorded Statements ♦ Activity Investigations

General Background Check ♦ Death Claims Investigation 

Executive Protection ♦ Signed Statements

Life and Health Claims Investigations ♦ Corporate Surveillance

Specializing in surveillance, defense work, court records checks, activity checks and background investigations.

Contact Us Today!